Are there Design Requirements as to what changes we can make to our house?
Yes, there are in the applicable Section Covenants, authorized by the By-Laws, specified in your Deed. Examples include fences, outside structures, etc. We suggest that you read these carefully before submitting an ACR.
Is it true that there are appearance requirements for our property in the SCCA By-Laws?
Yes. The SCCA By-Laws are in the Covenants concerning appearance requirements. The SCCA Board of Directors, who are elected by the SCCA Homeowners, are required by the By-Laws to ensure that these appearance requirements are being met by Homeowners in order to preserve the appearance and property values of the community
When do I have to submit an Architectural Change Request (ACR)
to the Architectural Review Committee?
Any time that you make ANY kind of change to the outside of your house including color changes, landscaping changes, additions, decks, fences, garage doors, or any other changes that costs $500.00 or more. ACR forms can be found on the SCCA web site under documents and can be downloaded with ease in Microsoft Word, so can be completed, scanned and emailed ([email protected]). All completed ACRs from Homeowners that live within SCCA should be sent to the Architectural Chairman. It normally takes about a week to 10 days for the Committee to return the ACR either Approved or Not approved, with Comments.
When and how often does the SCCA meet?
General membership meetings are held annually in the Fall, and whenever needed. Date, time and place are published in advance, usually with the Annual Election Notice & Ballot. Board of Directors’ meetings are as needed. Matters may be brought to the attention of the Association at general meetings or by contacting any board member and to determine next Board meeting.
How do I become a Shipley's Choice Pool member?
What are covenants?
Covenants are legally binding obligations that you assumed when you purchased your home
in Shipley's Choice. The details for Section 1 are spelled out in a document entitled
"Declaration of Covenants" which is recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel
County (reference: Book 3051 Page 750). In very general terms, the Declaration:
a) places a number of restrictions (covenants) on what you may do with your property.
For example, they prohibit fences in the front yard, specify the maximum height of
fences, prohibit the keeping of poultry, specify minimum distances that structures
may be placed from property lines, and so on.
b) obligate homeowners to submit plans for any outside structure for review prior to the
commencement of construction. This review is not only for the purpose of verifying
that none of the above mentioned restrictions have been violated but also permit the
"aesthetics and harmony with the surroundings" of the proposed structure to be
considered. The covenants grant this authority to an "Architectural Control
Committee" appointed by the Shipley’s Choice Community Association (SCCA).
The purpose of the covenants is primarily to protect the property values of the members of
the community as a whole by providing a means to prevent construction of unattractive
structures and prevent nuisances.
in Shipley's Choice. The details for Section 1 are spelled out in a document entitled
"Declaration of Covenants" which is recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel
County (reference: Book 3051 Page 750). In very general terms, the Declaration:
a) places a number of restrictions (covenants) on what you may do with your property.
For example, they prohibit fences in the front yard, specify the maximum height of
fences, prohibit the keeping of poultry, specify minimum distances that structures
may be placed from property lines, and so on.
b) obligate homeowners to submit plans for any outside structure for review prior to the
commencement of construction. This review is not only for the purpose of verifying
that none of the above mentioned restrictions have been violated but also permit the
"aesthetics and harmony with the surroundings" of the proposed structure to be
considered. The covenants grant this authority to an "Architectural Control
Committee" appointed by the Shipley’s Choice Community Association (SCCA).
The purpose of the covenants is primarily to protect the property values of the members of
the community as a whole by providing a means to prevent construction of unattractive
structures and prevent nuisances.
Do the Section 1 Covenants ever expire?
The Declaration of Covenants stipulates that they must periodically be renewed/extended. The current expiration date is December 31, 2047.
The most recent extension occurred in 2017. The legal documents showing that all requirements for extensions were met are recorded among the Anne Arundel County official Land Records (Book 8214, Page 1 and Book 31567, Page 318).
The extensions did not alter the fact that all homeowners in Section 1 continue to be subject the stipulations contained in the Declaration Covenants without exception.
The most recent extension occurred in 2017. The legal documents showing that all requirements for extensions were met are recorded among the Anne Arundel County official Land Records (Book 8214, Page 1 and Book 31567, Page 318).
The extensions did not alter the fact that all homeowners in Section 1 continue to be subject the stipulations contained in the Declaration Covenants without exception.
How can I determine whether my home is in Section 1?
Section 1 consists of the first 166 lots developed by Monumental Properties. It is comprised
of the homes on the following streets:
Page 2 of 3
• Arbor Oaks Ct. • Rusting Oaks Drive (Nbrs. 1018 - 1067)
• Braeburn Glen Ct. • Songwood Ct.
• Briarwick Ct. • Tanglewood Ct.
• Candlewood Ct. • Windfern Ct.
• Galena Ct. • Wood Shadows Ct.
• Lazywood Ct.
The section number is also recorded in your deed as part of the property description.
of the homes on the following streets:
Page 2 of 3
• Arbor Oaks Ct. • Rusting Oaks Drive (Nbrs. 1018 - 1067)
• Braeburn Glen Ct. • Songwood Ct.
• Briarwick Ct. • Tanglewood Ct.
• Candlewood Ct. • Windfern Ct.
• Galena Ct. • Wood Shadows Ct.
• Lazywood Ct.
The section number is also recorded in your deed as part of the property description.
Who currently holds the rights and powers granted by the covenants?
The Declaration initially gave all authority to the developer but also gave him the right to
assign or transfer his authority. The developer of Section 1 (Monumental Properties)
permanently transferred all rights and powers to the Shipley's Choice Community
Association (SCCA) in 1980 and that document was recorded in the Anne Arundel County
Land Records (Book 3452 Page 765).
assign or transfer his authority. The developer of Section 1 (Monumental Properties)
permanently transferred all rights and powers to the Shipley's Choice Community
Association (SCCA) in 1980 and that document was recorded in the Anne Arundel County
Land Records (Book 3452 Page 765).
Am I subject to the covenants if I was never given a copy?
YES, you definitely are. Because the covenants are recorded in the public land records, they
are legally an extension of your deed and part of the transfer of the property to you. Several
years ago a law was passed that requires buyers to be given a copy of any covenants prior
to settlement but the buyer continues to be subject to the covenants even if the settlement
agent fails to comply (the law only specifies penalties for the settlement agent and does not
create an exemption from the covenants for the buyer).
are legally an extension of your deed and part of the transfer of the property to you. Several
years ago a law was passed that requires buyers to be given a copy of any covenants prior
to settlement but the buyer continues to be subject to the covenants even if the settlement
agent fails to comply (the law only specifies penalties for the settlement agent and does not
create an exemption from the covenants for the buyer).
Am I subject to the covenants if I don't join the association?
ALL residents of Section 1 are subject to the covenants. Membership in the Shipley’s
Choice Community Association is not mandatory but whether or not you choose to join does
not alter the fact that your property is subject to the provisions of the covenants.
Membership in the association does, however, give you a voice in the administration of
covenants by giving you the right to vote for the officers and board members who set
covenants policy and who appoint the covenants committee.
Choice Community Association is not mandatory but whether or not you choose to join does
not alter the fact that your property is subject to the provisions of the covenants.
Membership in the association does, however, give you a voice in the administration of
covenants by giving you the right to vote for the officers and board members who set
covenants policy and who appoint the covenants committee.
Are there differences between the covenants for Section 1 and those for other sections?
There are actually three different versions of covenants within Shipley’s Choice. The
community was developed in multiple phases by two different companies over a number of
years. Only the first version created by Monumental Properties and dated January 20, 1978
is applicable to Section 1. Later versions are not retroactive to sections that were already
completed at the time they were written.
community was developed in multiple phases by two different companies over a number of
years. Only the first version created by Monumental Properties and dated January 20, 1978
is applicable to Section 1. Later versions are not retroactive to sections that were already
completed at the time they were written.
What can I do if I disagree with the judgment of the covenants committee?
Section 1 homeowners may appeal decisions of the architectural committee to the SCCA’s
full board of directors.
full board of directors.
Does signing the document to extend covenants obligate me to become a member or to pay dues to the SCCA?
NO, it does not. The document merely reappoints the SCCA as the representative
organization to hold the rights and powers granted by the covenants. Under the original
Declaration, the payment of dues to the association is not mandatory. The document you
have been asked to sign only extends the term of the covenants and does not alter the
provisions in any way.
organization to hold the rights and powers granted by the covenants. Under the original
Declaration, the payment of dues to the association is not mandatory. The document you
have been asked to sign only extends the term of the covenants and does not alter the
provisions in any way.
Can the covenants be changed?
Changes can be made only if 100% of the residents agree to the change. Since that is a
virtual impossibility, the covenants cannot be modified as a practical matter. To extend the
covenants as they were originally adopted, however, requires only a simple majority (50% or
virtual impossibility, the covenants cannot be modified as a practical matter. To extend the
covenants as they were originally adopted, however, requires only a simple majority (50% or
How can I obtain a copy of the Declaration of Covenants?
An unofficial transcript is available under the Documents tab on the SCCA’s website at On the same page you can also obtain copies of the Architectural
Request Form and the SCCA Fence Guidelines. Images of the original Declaration of
Covenants are available online at On the same page you can also obtain copies of the Architectural
Request Form and the SCCA Fence Guidelines. Images of the original Declaration of
Covenants are available online at
Why should I be a member of the SCCA?
Your membership and financial support is key to keeping Section 1 the attractive and vibrant
community it, and the rest of Shipley’s Choice, is today. The S.C.C.A. holds title to the 18.7
acres of common land in Section 1 on which it pays property tax, insurance, and the
county’s front foot benefit assessment. The organization provides grass mowing,
dead/hazardous tree removal from common areas, maintains the entrance sign on the south
side of Benfield, and pays for the control of invasive vines (which have been threatening the
destruction of oak trees along Gov. Stone and Benfield). It is responsible for the
administration and enforcement of covenants in Section 1. Additionally, it has provided
financial support for the Shipley’s Choice Garden Club and the replacement of the
playground equipment at the Shipley’s Choice Elementary School. Although membership is
non-mandatory, over 75% of our residents have joined which is a very impressive level of
participation relative to other nearby communities.
community it, and the rest of Shipley’s Choice, is today. The S.C.C.A. holds title to the 18.7
acres of common land in Section 1 on which it pays property tax, insurance, and the
county’s front foot benefit assessment. The organization provides grass mowing,
dead/hazardous tree removal from common areas, maintains the entrance sign on the south
side of Benfield, and pays for the control of invasive vines (which have been threatening the
destruction of oak trees along Gov. Stone and Benfield). It is responsible for the
administration and enforcement of covenants in Section 1. Additionally, it has provided
financial support for the Shipley’s Choice Garden Club and the replacement of the
playground equipment at the Shipley’s Choice Elementary School. Although membership is
non-mandatory, over 75% of our residents have joined which is a very impressive level of
participation relative to other nearby communities.